The Great Replacement

American schools have become Marxist indoctrination centers where feelings, not facts, define reality. They no longer teach civics and American history; they teach revisionist critical race theory to, as Saul Alinsky said, "rub raw the resentments" and create social chaos. Revisionism is the reinterpretation of history and historical events,...

On March 26, 2024, the Louisiana senate passed a bill (37-0) that would curtail the unrestricted authority that international authoritarian organizations like World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations (UN), and the World Economic Forum (WEF) would have within the jurisdiction of the state. Senate Bill 133 (SB133) is the first of its kind,...

Some insects are known to contain toxins that can be harmful to human health. These toxins can affect various systems in the body, including the nervous, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems. Symptoms of toxin exposure can include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and, in severe cases, coma or death. Now, enter billionaires with sinister motives. At...

This view of race and racism, drawn from CRT but which is now mainstream, represents a significant break from the anti-racism of the past. Anti-racism has moved from focusing on the material conditions of people's lives to the inner workings of their minds; from challenging legal inequality to calling-out cultural representations; from aiming to...

The World Health Organization has been discussing a new pandemic treaty and amendments to the International Health Regulations. What is the real significance of these agreements? What would they look like in America if they were passed? How is it that these agreements could supersede the U.S. Constitution?

The nuclear family is the societal infrastructure of our constitutional republic. Globalism, a binary sociopolitical system of rulers and ruled, makes no space for the nuclear family because it is a competing ideology. The globalist strategic plan is to destroy the American family in order to destroy America. The tactical plan is to divide and...