Please pray for Reiner Fuellmich


This is not worthy of tarnishing Germany's international reputation for democratic treatment of its citizens—so free the man who has given three years of his life seeking justice for all those who have been harmed by the Covid pandemic and the adulterated genetic experimental therapy injected products used, which have been proven were NOT "Safe and Effective".


Kai Hennig, Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany, Houston TX

CC: US Congressman Roger Williams, US Senator Ted Cruz, US Senator John Cornyn, TX Senator Drew Springer, TX Representative Glenn Rogers

RE: German State Kidnapping from Mexico and Imprisonment of Dr Reiner Fuellmich in Germany

Dear Kai Hennig:

It is with great grief and outrage that your Judiciary hired Mexican thugs to kidnap Dr Fuellmich from the German embassy in Mexico on 12 October while he was being issued a replacement passport for one stolen in Mexico. He was put on an airplane, flown to Germany, and arrested in Frankfurt.

All for a dispute with and complaint from Corona Investigative Committee members over monetary issues?

He is still incarcerated in solitary confinement under total gag orders in Germany.

This is not worthy of tarnishing Germany's international reputation for democratic treatment of its citizens—so free the man who has given three years of his life seeking justice for all those who have been harmed by the Covid pandemic and the adulterated genetic experimental therapy injected products used, which have been proven were NOT "Safe and Effective".

NOT JUST, NOT Ethical, Reprehensible, Political Persecution of the most egregious sort!

That IS the issue—you know it, I know it, and the world knows it. Millions know of the tireless work of Dr Fuellmich, who has integrity. That is clear.

Now, your country must free him, immediately.

10 December 2023

Please also consider writing to Reiner while he is in solitary confinement:

Reiner's mailing address:

JVA Rosdorf
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
Am Grossen Sieke 8
37124 Rosdorf

  • postcards and cards allowed
  • no glitter on the envelops
  • no stamps or money in the envelops
  • nothing to be mentioned about the case
  • suggestion: write your name on each page of a letter - the letters are taken out of the envelops, and read, before being sent to Reiner

One big limitation: Reiner is only being allowed 30 letters or postcards a day

This information from Dr. Elsa Schieder's Truth Summit