ACT! For Canada Newsletter - October 18, 2024

"We must insist that the immigrant that comes here is willing to become a Canadian and is willing to assimilate our ways; he should be treated on equal grounds and would be shameful to discriminate against such a person for reasons of their beliefs or the place of birth or origin. But it is the responsibility of that person to become a Canadian in all aspects of life, nothing else but a Canadian. There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says that he is a Canadian, but tries to impose his customs and habits upon us, is not a Canadian. We have room for only one flag; the Canadian flag. There is room for only two languages here, English and French. And we have room for loyalty, but only one; loyalty to the Canadian people. We won't accept anyone, I'm saying anyone, who will try to impose his religion or his customs on us." ~ Sir Wilfred Laurier, 1908 ~