Rising in defense of our security, our liberty, our values


For the latest news, information and updates, please visit ACT! For Canada on the Substack publishing platform. You may subscribe and read for free. Here is the link:


Act! For Canada stands on guard to defend Canada and the Canadian people against all enemies, foreign and domestic who, through stealth or outright aggression, seek to undermine the freedoms, economic prosperity, traditional values and heritage of the Canadian nation and peoples. This includes:

  • Establishment of a police state by corrupt politicians and unelected health bureaucrats
  • Globalist destruction of the Canadian way of life via economic and immigration warfare
  • China's infiltration and takeover of land, water, real estate, industry and politicians
  • Environmentalists' destruction of our western oil industry and national pipeline construction projects
  • Subversion of our schools, media and policy-making by communist and socialist ideologies
  • Islamization of our nation through stealth implementation of anti-Canadian Sharia law
  • Liberalism, political correctness and the destruction of social values and order

We strive to educate our readers through posting articles each day along with a weekly Newsletter in our efforts to keep you up to date and informed with the latest news. It is important that The Islamic, Globalist, Marxist and Foreign ideologies operating in our country are exposed.




"Liberty not only means that the individual has both the opportunity and the burden of choice; it also means that he must bear the consequences of his actions and will receive praise or blame for them. Liberty and responsibility are inseparable." ~ Friedrich Hayek ~

"Speak up for freedom of speech, not just for you but for everyone else, especially those with whom you disagree. Although the forces arrayed against speech are formidable, do not despair. Their censorship will be their everlasting shame. Your defense of freedom of speech will be to your everlasting credit. It may be the most important thing you...

"Liberty not only means that the individual has both the opportunity and the burden of choice; it also means that he must bear the consequences of his actions and will receive praise or blame for them. Liberty and responsibility are inseparable." ~ F. A. Hayek ~

The Muslim Association of Canada has just announced the 'Canadian Islamic College' (CIC) has been accredited. These Islamic Primary Sources are inconsistent with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and neither do they comport with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Did the people responsible for the necessary approvals have any idea...

The Conservative MP for Calgary-Nose Hill doesn't think much of the Carney appointment: "There should be no way in hell that Mr. Carney — who, as Chair of Brookfield, would have a direct personal interest in a new Brookfield run multi-billion dollar fund — should be acting as the prime minister's key economic adviser while his company is reportedly...

Lawyer Allison Pejovic says, "This case was of paramount importance to all Canadians, and they have been denied the right to know whether the federal government acted lawfully in preventing them from travelling and leaving the country based on their refusal to take a novel medication that failed to prevent transmission of Covid, and that has caused...